Guru Ravidas Jayanti 2024
Bhagat Ravidas Jayanti is a yearly festival observed by Bhagat Ravidas and Sikhs from all over the world. Saints Raidas Ji was a great saint and spiritual leader in India who was born in the 15th century on Magh Purnima, which is a day celebrated as his Jayanti or birth anniversary. This year, Bhagat Ravidas Jayanti will fall on 24th February 2024. The festival is commemorated with good faith and devotion by the people who follow the teachings of Bhagat Ravidas.
As an event to mark the occasion, the devotees can download Bhagat Ravidas Jayanti wishing messages and Gurbani quotes from this page. These images and quotes are symbols of Bhagat Ravidas' teachings and his message of equality, love, and compassion. The pictures and sayings can be posted on social media sites, sent as E-cards to the near and dear ones, or used as screensaver and desktop wallpaper on personal devices.
Through observing the Ravidas Jayanti, we can pay respects to this great man and get motivation from his teachings to live a more successful and rewarding life.
Gurpurab of | Bhagat Guru Ravidas Ji |
Date | 24th February 2024 |
Day | Saturday |
Sant Ravidas Ji
The land of India has always been a holy place. From time to time, many sages, sages, seekers, saints, and gurus have kept it holy with their unique sadhana, rigorous penance, and virtuous words. The birth of Sant Ravidas Ji took place on Magha Purnima Samvat in 1433 in a village called Mandur near Varanasi. From childhood, his interest was towards God's devotion and sages and saints. When he grew up, he took up his ancestral work as a tanner. He would get absorbed in the Lord's hymn, knotting the shoe alongside.
Download Ravidas Jayanti 2024 Images
In his divine ecstasy, he composed many hymns full of devotional fervor and intense love for God. We do not know for certain whether or not Ravidasa had any traditional schooling.
We have not been able to trace any manuscript copy of his hymns written in his hand and it seems likely that he did not write down his compositions. He used to recite his hymns among his followers at the time of the congregation.
It seems that the verses which have come down to us were recorded by his followers from memory, after his passing away. The variations existing among different manuscripts are sufficient to prove that these were not copied down from any authentic source.
Ravidas took initiation from the then-famous devotee Guru Ramanand. He rejected the high and low opinions. He was very humble and liberal-minded. His devotion was of a high standard.
Sant Ravidas Ji Quotes
राग आसा बाणी भगत रविदास जी गुरु ग्रंथ साहिब अंग 487
माटी को पुतरा कैसे नचत है ॥
देखै देखै सुनै बोलै दौरेयो फिरतुहै ॥१॥ रहाउ ॥
जब कछ पावै तब गरब करत है ॥
माया गई तब रोवन लगत है ॥१॥
मन बच कर्म रस कसहि लुभाना ॥
बिनस गया जाइ कहूं समाना ॥२॥
कहि रविदास बाजी जग भाई ॥
बाजीगर सउ मोहे प्रीत बन आई ॥३॥६॥
आदमी मिट्टी का पुतला है लेकिन फिर भी (सांसारिक मोह में फँसकर) कैसे व्यंग्यपूर्ण नाचता है। बह बार-बार देखता, सुनता, बोलता और दौड़ता ही रहता है॥ १॥ रहाउ॥ जब बह कुछ उपलब्धि करता है तो उस उपलब्धि का बड़ा अहंकार करता है। लेकिन जब धन-दौलत इत्यादि उसकी चली जाती है तो फूट-फूट कर रोने लगता है॥ १॥
मन, वचन एवं कर्मों के कारण वह मीठे एवं लुभावने सांसारिक पदार्थों में मग्न रहता है। लेकिन जब उसके जीवन का अंत हो जाता है तो पता नहीं चलता कि वह किस स्थान में जाकर समा जाता है॥ २ ॥ रविदास जी कहते हैं कि हे भाई ! यह जीवन एक बाजी है तथा बाजीगर प्रभु से मेरी प्रीति बन गई है॥ ३॥ ६॥
राग बसंत बाणी भगत रविदास जी गुरु ग्रंथ साहिब अंग 1196
बसंत बाणी रविदास जी की
ੴ सतिगुर प्रसाद ॥
तुझहि सुझंता कछू नाहि ॥
पहिरावा देखे ऊभ जाहि ॥
गरबवती का नाही ठाउ ॥
तेरी गरदन ऊपर लवै काउ ॥१॥
तू कांइ गरबहि बावली ॥
जैसे भादउ खूम्बराज, तू तिस ते खरी उतावली ॥१॥ रहाउ ॥
तुझे कुछ भी समझ नहीं आ रही, केवल सुन्दर पहरावा देखकर गर्व कर रही हो परन्तु अभिमानी को कहीं भी ठीर-ठिकाना प्राप्त नहीं होता, मौत रूपी कोआ तेरी गर्दन पर मंडरा रहा है॥१॥ अरे बावली ! तू क्यों अहंकार कर रही है। जिस प्रकार भादों के महीने में कुकुरमत्ता उगकर नष्ट हो जाता है, तू उससे भी अधिक उतावली हो रही है॥१॥
Sant Ravidas Biography in Hindi PDF
Download Sant Ravidas Biography in Hindi PDF Format. The title of the Book is ‘Sant Ravidas’ authored by Inderraj Singh.
संत रविदास : जीवन दर्शन और साहित्य
Download Sant Raidas: Life, Philosophy, and Literature in Hindi PDF. The title of the Book is ‘Sant Raidas’ authored by Sangam Lal Pandey, MA, D.Lit.
Sangam Lal Pandey was a Professor in the Philosophy Department of Allahabad University. The book was published by the Darshan Peeth, Allahabad in the Year 1968.