About Sikhizm

Sikhizm is a Website and Blog delivering Daily Hukamnamah from Sri Darbar Sahib, Harmandir Sahib (Golden Temple, Sri Amritsar Sahib), Translation & Transliteration of Guru Granth Sahib, Gurbani Videos, Facts and Articles on Sikh Faith, Books in PDF Format related to Sikh Religion and Its History, for those who cannot afford to buy them, and want to enhance their knowledge about Sikhism; Otherwise, we discourage sharing PDF Versions of books.
With the blessings of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, we have made this website to assist people trying to learn about Sikhi and promote Gurmat using the wisdom of the word. We have tried to bring & represent the content with the sole focus on Gurbani views only, (to the best of our ability).
How We Started?
We bought the domain in 2014, but rarely posted content on the Website, However, we never wanted to lose this name.
The team leader was doing regular stuff and was familiar with the basics of Sikhi but wasn't a part of Panth until his Sanchar took place in 2018 due to a divine reason. Coming from Hindu Background and well-known of Sanatan Concepts of Dharma, he started his Study of Sikh History and Other Scriptures.
It is 2021, we have decided to make this website content-rich. So many ideas we will bring into action by the end of this year. We would like to request you all to please share all the content with your known ones.
Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh!