Bhai Taru Singh (2018) is an Animated Movie produced in Punjabi and Hindi Languages by Director and Writer Sukhwinder Singh Vismaad. It is a powerful story of faith, love, and sacrifice from the annals of Sikh history. Spiritually elevated Bhai Taru Singh is forced to deal with the tyrannical Mughal empire face-on when he is targeted for being a Sikh.
Movie: Bhai Taru Singh
Genre: Biography
Director: Sukhwinder Singh
Producer: Sukhwinder Singh
Production House: Vismaad
Duration: 01:32:35
Languages: Punjabi, Hindi
The movie revolves around the life of Bhai Taru Singh Ji who stands for his faith and does not succumb to death. He is confined, and beaten, and in the end, his scalp is removed, but the man never renounces his faith in Sikhism. Thus, Bhai Taru Singh is a symbol of the Sikh people and their ability to fight and even die for what they believe in. It is a strong and heart-wrenching movie that will leave you with a lot to think about even after the movie is over.
This cinematic masterpiece was released in theatres all over the world in April 2018 with 150 screens in the United States, Canada, Great Britain, Australia, and India. However, being a great piece of art, it was a sad fate for the movie to have a pathetic run at the Box Office and grossing only $39. 5K against the cost of production and distribution of $323K, thus, operating at a loss of $283. 5K.
However, the loyalty and the repeated watching of the audience have proven the worth of this historical movie. Its appeal has been in its ability to tell a story and fans have called for the show to be replayed. Due to the intense interest from the sangat (congregation), SikhVille decided to post the movie on YouTube which cost us almost nothing.
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